Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 8 - The End of the Road

We have been asked to include the following in our e-blog:

  • reflective notes My reflective notes are captured here in this blog: A View from the Bird's Nest. (See the first entry to understand the title of the blog.) This has been a journal of my work in Assessment in E-Learning-FA08-900F (Fall, 2008) offered by the University of Wisconsin at Stout.
  • link to our wiki We did a class wiki, to understand how the wiki can be a valuable assessment tool.
  • partner interview I interviewed Craig, a man who is leaving the kitchen for online learning.
  • concept map I used Webspiration which doesn't allow capture :-(
  • taxonomy table We read a case study of how one instructor put together a course and our assignment was to match the activities with Bloom's taxonomy. See my analysis.
  • link to the prcourse survey url I wanted to capture information about students ages 17 & 18 taking an American History class for before they started. My survey is just 10 ten open-ended questions. I probably would have done this survey differently if the assignment hadn't specified open-ended.
  • link or copy of the final project I used the unit I designed in Instruction Design: E-Learning-SU08-960C (Summer, 2008) and wrote an assessment tool box of four tools that would be used for assessment: recall test, blog, wiki, concept web.
  • links to key reading with meaningful images This was never really explained. I have no images, but I have a list of meaningful readings for educators and librarians.

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