Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ready, Set....

When an instructor is getting ready to teach a course, whether online or face-to-face, knowledge of the learners is important. This helps to gauge the readiness of the learners for the demands of the class. Online, instructors want to know the background of the students, i.e., have they had other online classes, do they use technology on a regular basis, etc

As the final project in Instruction Design: E-Learning-SU08-960C (Summer, 2008), I set up a class and then designed one unit of that class. I have added a precourse survey to this class as part of the requirements of Assessment in E-Learning-FA08-900F (Fall, 2008).

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...


Such an interesting way to develop a survey - not sure I appreciate the next page, next page, next page method.

I loved how you elicited valuable precourse information - and what is especially hard to duplicate for most in doing it with a 'light' air that is welcoming and friendly...goes along way in an online course. Perhaps you can try this last aspect soon - a bit more of a challenge.

Thanks for displaying your skill.

Datta Kaur