Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 8 - The End of the Road

We have been asked to include the following in our e-blog:

  • reflective notes My reflective notes are captured here in this blog: A View from the Bird's Nest. (See the first entry to understand the title of the blog.) This has been a journal of my work in Assessment in E-Learning-FA08-900F (Fall, 2008) offered by the University of Wisconsin at Stout.
  • link to our wiki We did a class wiki, to understand how the wiki can be a valuable assessment tool.
  • partner interview I interviewed Craig, a man who is leaving the kitchen for online learning.
  • concept map I used Webspiration which doesn't allow capture :-(
  • taxonomy table We read a case study of how one instructor put together a course and our assignment was to match the activities with Bloom's taxonomy. See my analysis.
  • link to the prcourse survey url I wanted to capture information about students ages 17 & 18 taking an American History class for before they started. My survey is just 10 ten open-ended questions. I probably would have done this survey differently if the assignment hadn't specified open-ended.
  • link or copy of the final project I used the unit I designed in Instruction Design: E-Learning-SU08-960C (Summer, 2008) and wrote an assessment tool box of four tools that would be used for assessment: recall test, blog, wiki, concept web.
  • links to key reading with meaningful images This was never really explained. I have no images, but I have a list of meaningful readings for educators and librarians.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Final Project

Has it been 8 weeks already? Nope, only 7. We posted our drafts of the final project this week and have been peer reviewing them. We have next week to rewrite, fix, and repair based on the comments.

The project wasn't too bad. I like trying to find ways to make assignments that go beyond "Read the chapter and write the answers to the review questions at the end of the chapter." So sad to know that is still being done in history classes.

My unit lesson asked high school juniors and seniors to view a streaming video and take recall quiz, interpret a cartoon, make a comparison of those living in the early 20th century and those living today, and make connections among the events of the video. My draft is available for you if you would like to read it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ready, Set....

When an instructor is getting ready to teach a course, whether online or face-to-face, knowledge of the learners is important. This helps to gauge the readiness of the learners for the demands of the class. Online, instructors want to know the background of the students, i.e., have they had other online classes, do they use technology on a regular basis, etc

As the final project in Instruction Design: E-Learning-SU08-960C (Summer, 2008), I set up a class and then designed one unit of that class. I have added a precourse survey to this class as part of the requirements of Assessment in E-Learning-FA08-900F (Fall, 2008).