Saturday, September 27, 2008

Introduction to the Nest

First, you must understand that my name is Kniery, pronounced canary. Yes, really! Therefore I do tend to make a play on words having to do with birds and their environments.

I am a library/media specialist in central Illinois. I live in Bloomington, but teach in a small district nearby. I am the professional librarian in the elementary school and I have two great ladies who manage the IMCs in the middle and high schools. My edublog keeps a running account of my elementary classses and the MS and HS IMC aides send me blog entries to post.

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Such collaboration with your colleagues! Good for you (and them:)! I get the next metaphor...who would have thought your name was pronounced as such. I just love reading these blogs:).

Thanks for your efforts here thus far. ~ Datta Kaur