Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A New Course

I have started a new course at UW Stout: Creating Collaborative Communities. We are using Building Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies For the Virtual Classroom by Rena M. Palloff and Keith Pratt. (Jossey-Bass, 2007). It has been several classes since I had a textbook and I am used to being able to do my reading online. This is important to me as I have a few minutes here and there at school (most notably lunch) were I can do some reading. Now I have to lug the textbook with me. YUCK!

However, I enjoyed the ice-breaker the instructors, Kay Lehmann and Lisa Chamberlin have put together. They call it miscomm-puter-acation where we trade stories about our oops with lost documents, lost hardware, mis-directed e-mails, and embarrassing postings. Most are humorous now, but embarrassing at the time.